Sunday, January 30, 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011

to get something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done

bonjour tout le monde! walking all over the place feels like my own sort of excersize now, and there are mostly smaller portions at every restaurant, at this rate, ill lose 20 pounds (;
i am so relieved to get the sorbonne placement test out of the way, and i definitely rocked it
i am thankful for how many people i have met, and hopefully when school starts, i will make even more friends!!
i miss you all and wish i could express just how happy i feel
a plus <3

Monday, January 24, 2011

"now the cities we live in could be distant stars

..and i look for you in every passing car"

wow i LOVE how early i am waking up, with no problem (: it is sometimes hard to sleep, still trying to get on the time schedule and attempting to not be tired at 2 in the afternoon baha
and i love my roommates, they are so nice and everything is better than i expected!!!
we ate at the most adorable cafe called Canan, on the Rue des Gobelins (favorite name so far)
and now we are on our way to the big orientation (: a plus

the city of love

you know the moment in between the striking of the match and the flame? I am suspended there, in pure energetic excitement, overwhelmed with the sites, the language, the people-- i am amazzedd and in love
a plus <3

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

meaning behind LETTERS FROM PARIS

In the 1925, an american journalist and amazing writer named Janet Flanner began her New Yorker correspondence from Paris. She signed the letters "Genet" and the publication began a lifelong romance between Flanner and the New Yorker that would last 5 decades.  She was famously a part of the Lost Generation, americans living in Paris, authors, painters, intellectuals such as Ernest Hemmingway, Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein, e e cummings, and  F. Scott Fitzgerald. Flanner introduced the New Yorker audience to upcoming Parisian artists including Picasso, Braque, Matisse, Andre Gide, and Jean Cocteau. She had many romances, boyfriends, girlfriends, and will always be remembered as "une ecrivaine inclassable."

merci Genet

love, lindsey

adventure is my new years resolution

The days are counting down until my bon voyage, I am frantically packing my life into a suitcase and organizing everything I'll need.  The most exciting thing EVER, found out my address finally!!!
‎44, rue des Cordelières, 75013 Paris- on le trouve dans le troisieme arrondissement et dans un lieu tres connu!!!
I am worried to be going alone... even though I never had friends who spoke french, or who chose the exact same program as I did, or who wanted to follow through with the annoying process... how could i not be nervous? im going all in, balls to the walls, leaving my hometown, family, and friends in the rearview mirror... insanity.
Im getting anxious BUT there have been some signs.... I found a necklace that i had when i was 8, some little gold remade charm from the movie Anastasia... it reads "together in paris"... adorable
and then i also found a list i wrote in 1997 that was called "my list of things to do in life", number two was "live in paris"-- some bucket list i completely forgot about that showed how long ive been looking forward to this trip...
all the planning and all the months of preparation leading to this final, big leap

fort collins is easy to leave, but saying goodbye to my friends and family in denver is the hardest part

 I am so overcome with passion for this adventure, excitement, anticipation, and joy
No matter where I go, no matter what experiences await, I will be fine because I have the pleasure of travelling with myself (:

"break away, make a change from this burnt out scene, another time, another town, another everything"