Sunday, May 8, 2011


We got back from spring break a week ago, and school has been busier than ever! I have finals in 2 weeks and a ton of homework to complete, essays, a speech, and studying! I am so excited for it to be summer, but as happy as I am to come home and see everyone I have missed so much, it's also bittersweet. It's as if I had just gotten comfortable, just created a life for myself in this new place, to have the carpet pulled from under my feet. There are so many things I miss from home, but now I know there will be a whole new list of things I will miss.
We had soo much fun in Barcelona, we spent a whole week there, in the nicest hostel I've ever stayed in! Its called Equity Point Centric and it is on a famous street called Passeig de Gracia.  This street is all shopping, all designer stores and boutiques, its also the longest shopping street in Europe. We were only a 5 minute walk from the famous street La Rambla, which was so exciting and teaming with people, restaurants, street performers, markets, and tourist shops. Our hostel was only 2 buildings away from a famous Gaudi architecture called Casa Batlo. Gaudi is known for his colors, bizarre roofs, ceramics, eye popping designs, and no straight edges but instead curving and winding walls. Besides the famous Sagrada Familia Church which is still under construction, Gaudi's art-chitecture is sprinkled all over the city. My absolute favorite was Park Guell, on the top of a big hill so you can overlook the city, there are gorgeous views and amazing ceramics all over.
We ate tapas nearly every meal- I was obsessed! Also Paela, a sort of seafood rice plate that is a staple in Barcelona, so delicious. And then sangria, sangria, sangria, everywhere we went! My favorite part of the trip was a bike tour we did on through the city. We had an australian tour guide who lived on the beach and didnt speak a word of spanish. He took us past every Gaudi building, he took us to a local wine bar with fresh wines made in Barcelona, and we ended at the beach where he explained Barcelonas sand came from the Sahara desert, the palm trees were on "rent" from Hawaii, and all these things were put in just before the 1992 Summer Olympics. The Olympics also gave Barcelona a new and wonderfully convenient metro system that we learned quite fast. But after the bike tour, we decided it was the sort of city one could walk. I got tan, I ate fantastic food, made friends, and miss it already!
Love and see you soon