Monday, March 14, 2011

springtime in paris

I am having the best day ever-- I went to class this morning and took a test on conjugation. My "prof" calls me "TGV", which is the french high speed train, because I finish my tests so fast. But not without getting an A bien sur (:
And then I met a friend for lunch at the Mosque de Paris, which is really close to our apartment. It is soo beautiful, the inside is covered in white and blue arabesques lining the walls. The booths were a deep red velvet and every table is gold. The ceilings are beautifully painted in pinks, blues, whites.  A huge gold chandelier sits in the middle of the dining room and little birds fly in and out the open windows. I got a huge plate of couscous with lamb, and the BEST Moroccan tea I've ever had! They pour the tea starting low then moving the teapot very high, they say the more oxygen in the tea the better the flavor. It was perfect.
Then my friend gave me a ride on his Vespa to class-- it was my first time on one, and with how Parisians drive, I was a little nervous!! He was winding in and out of the traffic, through pedestrians, over the Seine. We passed Notre Dame and the Ilse de la Cite on my left, I felt this huge rush of joy and love, passion, excitement, all at the same time. I was so happy to be here, like I have felt before, but this time was different- it was like falling in love with a place.
And the cherry on top is I got an A on a french test that I was so worried about!! No more worries, none at all.
I love you and miss you all so much <3
"I carry your heart- I carry it in my heart"
love, lindsey

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